When you click on the protected email, the email client window (for example "Outlook Express", "The Bat!" etc.) will be automatically opened with the "Email Address" field filled with the email address. Also the "Subject", "Carbon Copy" and "Blind Carbon Copy" fields can be automatically filled in if you want.
You can also copy the protected email address to the clipboard by clicking the right mouse button on it and then clicking the "Copy Email Address" item. And after that you can paste the copied email address where you want.
If you want to insert the clickable text link instead of the email itself, the text will be displayed but when you click on the text link, the email client window (for example "Outlook Express", "The Bat!" etc.) will be automatically opened with the "Email Address" field filled with the email address.
Clickable text link: Contact us by email
Also you can hide the email address from screen readers. In this case, the clickable text link will be displayed instead of the email address itself, but when you click on the text link, the protected email address will be shown. When you click on the shown protected email address, the email client window (for example "Outlook Express", "The Bat!" etc.) will be automatically opened with the "Email Address" field filled with the email address.
Please click on this text to show the protected email address: Show Email Address
Other examples
Email with the id "my_id":
Email with the class "my_class":
This is the email address contained in the entire content of the page: